How To Write Wedding Vows | Tips and Examples
Have you decided to go the non-traditional route and and are struggling with how to write your own wedding vows? Writing your own vows can seem a bit intimidating because you want to make sure that they truly represent you as a couple. Rather than letting this be intimidating, let it encourage you, because this will be your moment to express to one another the true bond and relationship that you share from your own unique words.
If you are looking for tips on how to write wedding vows, then let this guide lead the way!
Share Personal Stories
You want your wedding vows to sound genuine and sincere. Sharing personal stories from your relationship shows that you are more than just a Bride and Groom trying to entertain guests on your big day. Do not be afraid to share stories of the good and bad, the highs and lows, the quirks and inside jokes, etc. Weddings are supposed to be romantic and loving, but when you let your guests see that you are just two imperfect humans that love one another, they would be able to relate much better.
All relationships have hard times. All relationships go through ups and downs. All couples have little pet peeves with one another. Be real, be funny at times, all while still expressing your true love for another.
Plan Ahead & Practice
The closer your wedding date comes, the more your nerves will start to kick in. You need to be fully prepared for your wedding vows because this is one of the moments that you will definitely be in the spotlight. The sooner you start working on them and perfecting them, the more confident you will feel when it comes to speaking those words of love and commitment to not only your soon-to-be-spouse, but also all of the guests who will pay attention to every word.
Practice saying your vows in front of a mirror. Have a close friend or loved one listen to them to give you a second opinion and make sure the words flow smoothly. One of the biggest keys of writing your wedding vows and getting them just right is to prepare ahead of time and practice. You will have plenty of other things to prepare for as well, but this should be one of the utmost important items on your list.
Let Your Partner Know That You will Always Be There
Traditional wedding vows state that you will be there for your partner through sickness and health, richer or for poorer, til’ death do you part. Use this idea when writing your own wedding vows and make sure you remind your partner that you will always be there. Remind them there that you will be through the serious things such as struggles, but also throw in a little humor and remind them that you will kill every spider that they may encounter, for example.
You can assure your partner that you will stick around to the end with sweet and kind words and promises. Just remember, there is nothing wrong with including a joke or two in your wedding vows to help lighten the mood and give the guests a chuckle.
Do Not Forget To Say “I Love You”
This may seem like an obvious tip when writing your wedding vows, however, many couples completely forget to include those three little words because they get so caught up making the right promises, adding in a little humor, etc. that they completely overlook this simple statement.
Love is more than just a word. It is a feeling. Weddings are all about the celebration of joining two as one because of their LOVE for one another. When it’s time to write your wedding vows, make sure you do not forget to tell your partner how much love them and how “in love” with them you are!
Look to the Future
A large portion of your wedding vows will be about your present promises, present situation, past memories with one another. However, you need to keep in mind that when you marry someone, you are promising to be there with them every day beyond your wedding day. What are your future plans? Do you plan to buy a home together, travel the world, have five children? Include your future plans when you go to write your wedding vows to show that you are not only committing to this one day of a fancy, well-decorated wedding ceremony, but you are also committing to a future that includes dreams, hopes, and plans that include your new spouse.