Matthias Richter Weddingphotography

As a wedding photographer, I love to immerse myself in the situations, and become invisible. It is essential to anticipate how things will develop in order to get the best angles. It’s always funny when I have already made my pictures, when people then ask themselves how this could succeed?!
Leaving people as they are, and then taking the most beautiful pictures possible is a challenge that doesn’t exist like that in other areas of photography. And there are no excuses: The pictures must always succeed, you can’t repeat anything, and it always works out. An old saying in photography is: bad weather makes good pictures. Applied to wedding photography: No matter what the conditions are, we emphasize the strengths and photograph past the weaknesses. The end result will be stunning.
Lightroom / Natural Light / Off Camera Flash / Photojournalism / Photoshop
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What inspired you to become a wedding photographer?
Through a friendly service. A couple who are friends asked me to photograph their wedding in 2006. Both told me later that they had never seen such beautiful pictures. That inspired me to continue.
How would you describe your photography style?
For me, what counts is the quality of the entire picture series. The portraits should be beautiful, one or the other like a movie poster, the people should come alive, and the location is also important. Wedding photography combines several disciplines of photography: portrait, reportage and architectural photography. And you have to be quick, because there is no 2nd chance.
How do you ensure that your clients feel comfortable and relaxed during the photo shoot?
Es ist meist der erste Moment nach der Trauung, bei dem das neu vermählte Paar für sich alleine ist. Wenig Fotografische Anweisung, dafür aber intimität und glück. Es ist im Grunde wirklich leicht hier gute Bilder zu machen.
How do you ensure that you capture all of the important moments on the wedding day?
Durch vorherige Absprache mit dem Paar und durch Erfahrung. Ich mache auch die Bilder, die heute vielleicht nicht so wichtig erscheinen, aber zählen werden, wenn das Paar älter wird. Hochzeitsfotos betrachtet man sein Leben lang.
What is your favorite part of the wedding day and why?
Die Anspannung der Vorbereitungen, der Höhepunkt der Traung, das Glück danach und die ausgelassene Feier etwas später. Wirklich schwer zu sagen. Wahrscheinlich der Moment, wenn ich jedes Mal spüre: das werden wieder tolle Bilder.