Strongwater Food and Spirits is located in the heart of East Franklinton. It is housed inside a century old warehouse with a restaurant and event space. The business has many hats. What is that, you may ask? Well, uniquely enough, people can dine at one location, while others hold private events on another floor. They have the pleasure of being able to serve guests from their restaurant. While hosting events simultaneously at their private party-friendly spaces. Well, this is not only an industrial dream come true. It is also rich with sublime history.
From where it’s located, Franklinton is the original settlement in central Ohio. The neighborhood was given its nickname “the Bottoms” for it sits below two rivers. Known as the Scioto and Olentangy. However, the Bottoms experienced a great flood during 1913. Luckily, the Franklinton Floodwall was completed in 2004. Because of that happening, there was a resurgence of growth and art within the neighborhood. The original structure was by the D.A. Ebinger Sanitary Manufacturing Company. After the former company left, the 400 West Rich moved into the building. Shortly after, the Strongwater was born. Additionally, they share their historic home today with the latter.
Moreover, Strongwater features a symbolic mural on one wall. Notably, depicting Grace Darling’s famous portrait. Born into a lighthouse owner family, Grace battled some strong water herself. Especially during the early morning on September 7th 1838. After spotting marooned sailors from SS Forfarshire stranded onto nearby rocky island. Today, Strongwater strives to be the forerunner in innovational communal gathering spaces. Whether you want a happy hour or your wedding in their event space, there’s a place for you here!
Banquet Hall/Restaurant, Event Center, Historic/Landmark Building, Loft, Vintage
Guest Capacity
Indoor Ceremony, Indoor Reception, Outdoor Ceremony, Outdoor Reception