Beautiful Chuppah Pictures for Jewish Wedding Tradition Inspiration
The merriment, the traditions, and the amazing symbolism of a Jewish wedding are truly a sight to behold. One common tradition element at Jewish weddings is the use of a Chuppah. A Chuppah, which translates to “covering” in hebrew, describes the canopy under which the couple will typically stand during the ceremony. Many of the ceremonious traditions for the Jewish wedding day take place under the covering of the chuppah including the reading of the ketubah, the kiddushin, the Sheva B’rachot, and more.
Chuppah: Understanding the Meaning and the Importance
This simple, open, four-posted structure carries multi-faceted symbolism that ranges from a garment, a bed, and a home. Ultimately, a Chuppah in a Jewish wedding symbolizes the home that the wedded couple will build together. It is said that the Chuppah also symbolizes God’s presence in the union and that He sanctifies the space below. The open structure, meanwhile, dates back to when Abraham had an open tent, which symbolizes hospitality and indicates that everyone is welcome under the tent.
If you are looking for amazing, breathtaking, and meaningful Chuppah inspirations for your upcoming Jewish wedding, you’re in the right place! We compiled stunning Chuppah images that range from downright artistic and outrageously colorful to intricately meaningful.