Izaak Walton Inn

You’ll feel like you’ve been transported to the 1930s at this inn. The Izaak Walton Inn was originally constructed as a hotel and entrance point for visitors into Glacier National Park. But now, it’s also available as an event center! Also, you’ll feel like you’ve stepped back in time when booking a stay at Izaak Walton Inn. The hotel doesn’t have any of the modern amenities. However, they do offer an old-fashioned experience with face tof ace interaction.
Moreover, you can have your dream wedding during any season! Experience the lush greenery of spring, summer or fall here. Or if you’re looking for something truly magical – winter is perfect! In addition, you can choose from a wide range of options for ceremony proceedings as well.
Banquet Hall/Restaurant, Bed & Breakfast/Inn, Mountain
Guest Capacity
Indoor Ceremony, Indoor Reception, Outdoor Ceremony, Outdoor Reception