Liverpool Cathedral

A structure as iconic and ubiquitous as the Liverpool Cathedral is not just a building. It’s an experience that people from all over encounter on countless levels. Literally, through its sacristy for worshipers of many faiths. And also spiritually in terms on how they come together at this sacred space every day. As you embark on this amazing journey, it becomes evident just how important a church is to the heart and life of any city.
On the contrary, a wedding is a joyous occasion that brings people from all over to celebrate. It’s one of life’s great moments, and there are so many things for guests to enjoy. Christians see marriage as a way to invite Jesus into their lives. A lifelong covenant, declared in front of God and others. In addition, the Liverpool Cathedral still teaches that marriage is a gift from God and should always be undertaken with the intention of lifelong commitment. Every couple wishing to have their marriage solemnized at Liverpool Cathedral must obtain a Special License from the Archbishop of Canterbury as well. These are issued on his behalf by the Registrar of the Court of Faculties in London.
To be eligible for a Special License, couples must have what is referred to in law as “a present and demonstrable connection” with the cathedral. This can include either regular attendance at services over many months or employment in that particular church. Also, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Registrar will be looking for that needed convincing evidence. It’s where the couple shows that they have a genuine and substantial, personal connection with their chosen cathedral.
Church/Temple, Historic/Landmark Building
Guest Capacity
Indoor Ceremony